VFW Post 7721 Auxiliary

The objects of this organization shall be fraternal, patriotic, historical, charitable and educational; to assist the Posts and members thereof of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, and its own members whenever possible; to maintain true allegiance to the Government of the United States of America and fidelity to its Constitution and Laws; to foster true patriotism, to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom and equal rights and justice to all men and women; to preserve and defend the United States of America from all her enemies.” (From the National Auxiliary Bylaws and Rituals 2020).

Membership in the VFW Auxiliary shall be limited to husbands/wives, widowers/widows,fathers/mothers,grandfathers/grandmothers,sons/daughters,grandsons/granddaughtersbrothers/sisters of persons who were or are eligible for membership in the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.  Membership is annual or lifetime based on your current age.

They must also be: United States National, Profess a belief in God, not less than sixteen (16) years old.

Any current VFW member or any person eligible to join the VFW shall not be eligible to join the Auxiliary.

Women who joined the Auxiliary prior to August 21, 2015 who are current members or are eligible for membership in the VFW shall be eligible for the Auxiliary so long as their membership remains current.

AMERICANISM IS AN unfailing love of country; loyalty to its institutions and ideals; eagerness to defend it against all enemies; undivided allegiance to the flag; and a desire to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and posterity.

This definition of “Americanism” was promulgated by the Commanders in Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, United Spanish War Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, the National Commanders of the American Legion, and the Disabled American Veterans of the World War at a conference held in Washington, in February 1927.

Membership Applications are available in the post, if you need any assistance in getting the DD214, we can assist in helping you fill out and apply for those veterans documents.

Meetings are held at the VFW Post, the second Tuesday of each month starting at 6:30 check in with meeting from 7pm-8pm.  After the meeting everyone is invited to bring a dish to share with all post members.

Volunteers – we are always looking for people to volunteer for any events, no experience necessary, just show up at any scheduled event and everyone will welcome and instruct you for setting up, serving and clean up.

Auxiliary Appreciation Luncheon Video

Auxiliary Officers


Betty Bailey



Senior Vice

Alecia Craft


Junior Vice

Lois Bolin




Colleen Walker




Margaret Finnerty



Linda Ramos


Trustee 1 Year

Donna Keating Sylvester


Trustee 2 Year

Georgia Pinto


Trustee 3 Year

Darlene Izzo



Theresa Mook



Secretary-Patriotic Instructor

Mary Ellen Cash



Women’s Self Defense Class March 2024

Women’s Self Defense Class-December 2023

June 2023 State Convention

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